The number of fatalities in the RA armed forces for january-september of 2013

Based on the observations of Peace Dialogue NGO, 22 fatalities were recorded in the RA Armed Forces for the period from January-September 2013. During these 9 months, 23 soldiers died in non-combat situations, 9 during the period of January-March, 4 during the period of April-June, and 10 during the period of July-September.


1) Jan-March 5 4
2) Apr-June 3 1
3) July-Sept 6 3


RA 14 NK 8

14 of the fatalities occurred on RA territory and 8 in NK.

All the cases are currently under preliminary investigation.

According the officials the causes of the soldiers’ deaths are as follows:


N Cause Fatalities
1 Health problems 4
2 Fatal accident 4
3 Murder 6
4 Suicide 6
5 Ceasefire violations 3


1 2 3 4 5

Recently, at the initiative of the Military Prosecutor’s office, a working group was formed thatwill deal with the examination of the fatalities in the RA armed forces.

Civic groups interested in protecting human rights in the Armed Forces expressed their dissatisfaction that the group will examine only the cases that reached final decision after January 1st, 2012. In September, almost all active NGOs left the group as a sign of protest.

The data was prepared in the framework of the Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia project of Peace Dialogue NGO.

The project Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia is supported by IKV Pax Christi.
IKV Pax ChristiIKV Pax Christi is a Dutch civil society organisation that works with its partners for peace, reconciliation and justice worldwide. The organisation supports local peace efforts in conflict areas and builds bridges, nurture mutual understanding and improve disrupted relations between groups. IKV Pax Christi‘s aim is to prevent conflict and to build a peaceful, democratic and just society.
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    © 2013-2025 The website is prepared in the framework the Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia project of Peace Dialogue NGO. The project Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia is supported by PAX the Netherlands.
    Photo on the header by Armen Yeramishyan /
    Date of incident: